Commuter ferries on the Hiittinen route and the Rymättylä route will transfer to the ownership of Suomen Saaristovarustamo Oy on 14 June 2024

Kirjoitettu 14.06.2024

Following a transaction confirmed today, 14 June 2024, the commuter ferries M/S Stella and M/S Isla will transfer to the ownership of Suomen Saaristovarustamo Oy at 14:00 today. Under the terms of the transaction, responsibility for the operation of the Hiittinen route and the Rymättylä route will also transfer to Suomen Saaristovarustamo Oy.

Ms Isla is currently at Pansio shipyard, during which time the vessel will be painted in the company's colors. The vessel will return to service at the end of June. While Ms Isla is at the shipyard, the Rymättylä route area is operated by a reserve vessel. Ms Stella will be docked after the summer.

Further information:
Håkan Fagerström, CEO, Finferries
Tel: +358 40 515 6329, email: hakan.fagerstrom(at)